Success Trips are an amazing opportunity to celebrate your success. Once you become a Brand Representative, and as you build your business, you can work with your corporate partners here at Nu Skin to meet your individualized goals for attending...
Can't get enough of the Nu Skin products you love? Great! Take the hassle out of ordering by creating an automatic monthly subscription. This allows you to get the products you need on a monthly basis without spending the time to place an order your...
To be eligible for Klarna Financing you must be at least 18 years old and a US resident. Your application approval is subject to Klarna's review of the details you provide and your financial circumstances. A full credit search will also be perform...
Before you make (another) purchase with Klarna it helps to know how to qualify for Klarna’s payment options. *Be old enough You need to be at least 18 in order to use Klarna’s payment options. *Have a positive credit history. History of positi...
Please contact our support team to process your return. Once your return has been processed your Klarna Financing plan will be adjusted. ...
Once someone has become a Brand Representative, they are now eligible to earn the Building Bonus! This bonus can be earned in addition to the Selling Bonus, Retailing Bonus, and Affiliate Referring Bonus. The Building Bonus ranges fr...
Last Updated: 03/13/2025
in Ordering & Purchasing
Nu Skin accepts the following payment methods for orders: US Payment Options: Visa Mastercard Discover American Express Paypal (available for one time online orders only) Venmo (available online only) Klarna (available online only)...
Last Updated: 03/13/2025
in Tech Support Apps and Website
Log in to your account on Nu Skin's Website. Click on "Hi, (your name)" on the top right corner of the page and scroll down and choose "My Site Admin". Once pressed, you will be able t0 click on My Site. On the left column you will see your p...
Troubleshooting Here are the most common issues customers experience with the LumiSpa. If you are having difficulty, please follow the included steps. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact Customer Support. You will be ask...
Quick start guide
User’ s Manual
ageLOC WellSpa iO™ Device
ageLOC WellSpa iO™ Wireless Charger