Here are the most common issues customers experience with the LumiSpa. If you are having difficulty, please follow the included steps. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact Customer Support. You will be asked to go through the entire process again with a Technical Support agent. This will allow them to diagnose the issue before considering other options.
Issue: The LumiSpa turns on but the head is not moving and the lights are flashing.

Hold the power button all the way down until everything turns off.
Twist the head back and forth 5-6 times or until the head locks.
Turn the machine on again to see if the error persists.
If it does, please contact Customer Support.
Issue: The LumiSpa turns on but the head spins really fast then goes into error mode.
Hold the power button all the way down until everything turns off.
Twist the head back and forth 5-6 times or until the head locks.
Turn the machine on again to see if the error persists.
If it does, please contact Customer Support.
Issue: The LumiSpa will not turn on even though it is fully charged.

Place the machine on the charger to see if any of the lights will work.
If not, please contact Customer Support.
Issue: The machine turns on but the head is not moving. There is a loud buzzing sound and there is one light flashing around the power button.
Hold the power button all the way down until everything turns off.
Twist the head back and forth 5-6 times or until the head locks.
Turn the machine on again to see if the error persists.
If it does, please contact Customer Support.
Issue: The LumiSpa turns on but there is a yellow/orange light on the bottom of the handle.

This light indicates that the battery is low and the machine needs to be charged.
It needs to be charged for at least 8 hours or until the light on the power button is solid white.
After charging the device, if the low battery light is still on please contact Customer Support.
Issue: LumiSpa Head attachment has issues, gets stuck, easily detaches or does not stay attached. If this is the case, please contact Customer Support.
Also referred to as Batch Number or Serial Number