What is a T4A?

In Canada, Brand Affiliates receive a tax form T4A. All CA Brand Affiliates who earn at least $500 CAD of non-employee compensation in a given tax year will be sent a T4A by the end of the following February, These forms will be mailed to the permanent address on file and uploaded to Volumes and Genealogy. 

What counts as income on the T4A? 

  • Commissions - All commissions earned between January 1st and December 31st of the preceding tax year will show in Box 20 of the form T4A. This number can include any awards earned, such as Success Trips, free registration to convention and/or other meetings, and free packages/products.  If this amount totals $500 or more, the T4A will be automatically generated and sent by the company. If commissions earned in the preceding year is less than $500, please contact Brand Affiliate Support about receiving a T4A.

Any questions regarding the breakdown of box 20 can be directed to Brand Affiliate Support.

Note: Nu Skin is not a tax services provider and as such does not offer tax advice. Any questions regarding filing taxes should be fielded by a registered tax professional.