Which Pharmanex products can my child take?

There are several Pharmanex products that are safe for children to take. For example, Jungamals is specifically formulated for children ages 2-12 and is a great way to give your child nutritional support. G3 is safe for children to take as well, when they are old enough to drink fruit juices. And MarineOmega, Optimum Omega, and ProBio PCC are safe for children, but only if they are able to swallow capsules without them being a choking hazard. We also have Pharmanex Kids Mighty Minds soft chews formulated for children ages 2-12.

Aside from these exceptions, Pharmanex products are typically formulated for adults 18 and older. Please be sure to check the labels of each of our products to be sure which ones are safe for use by children. Always refer to a physician on any supplement before allowing it to be taken by your child.