There are 2 different vouchers under Nu Skin Rewards.
$50 USD ($65 CAD) VOUCHER: Our first voucher, you will receive a $50 USD ($65 CAD) voucher for maintaining your subscription order with a minimum subtotal of $100 USD ($130 CAD) for 3 consecutive months.
- Order a minimum of $100 USD ($130 CAD) on each subscription order
$150 USD ($200 CAD) VOUCHER: Our second voucher, you will receive a $150 USD ($200 CAD) for maintaining your subscription order with a minimum subtotal of $250 USD ($330 CAD) for three consecutive months.
- Order a minimum of $250 USD ($330 CAD) on each subscription order
*ALL Voucher options will ONLY be available to redeem on one-time orders.
*You will not be able to overlap vouchers, you will be eligible for our $50 USD ($65 CAN) or the $ 150 USD ($200 CAD) but cannot earn both during the same month period.